Over 50 years of experience

Made to Measure Curtains

Personalising your experience to your ideas and needs, our in-depth home measurement service ensures we design and tailor bespoke curtains to fit your home, perfectly. We offer a range of luxuriously crafted fabrics in designing your custom curtains which can include upholstery.

Bespoke Curtains

We design bespoke curtains using a vast range of premium fabric materials sourced from some of the UK’s leading fabric manufacturers such as Voyage, ILIV, Prestigious Textiles and many more.

Available in a plethora of colours, shades and designs, our bespoke made to measure curtains will complement your home’s interior design. To explore our vast range of bespoke curtains, book a visit to our showroom.

Custom curtains

Our vast range of premium fabric materials and designs enable us to tailor your curtains to your interior home design, perfectly.

Our complementary bespoke curtain accessories include curtain tracks and curtain poles as well as many other assets in partnership with our leading manufacturers including Swish, Integra and Cameron Fuller. To explore our range of custom curtains, book a visit to our showroom.



To browse our catalogue of projects, explore our products page or social media feeds.

About Bespoke Curtains

Frequently Asked Questions

Find below the answers to the most frequent questions we get asked.

  • Is it cheaper to upholster my furniture?

    Most of the time, yes, it is a cheaper way to get your furniture refurbished. At Phillipe’s, we can bring your chairs, couches and full suites back to life by supplying new fabrics.

  • Can you upholster commercial furniture?

    With over 50 years of experience in upholstering, Phillipe’s can transform your worn commercial furniture into almost new statement pieces in your home or office.

  • What furniture can be upholstered?

    We currently upholster bar stools, chairs, lounge suits, fixed bar seating, sofas, setties, pelmets and bedroom headboards. We also have a specialised team of experienced curtain & blind makers.

  • Can I get my sofa cushions refilled?

    Yes, you can get your sofa cushions refilled. If you are interested in giving your sofa a new life, then please contact us for more information.

  • Can I break a sofa by having the cushions refilled?

    No, many homes and offices will have their sofa cushions refilled as it is a safe and cost-efficient way to bring life back to your sofa.

What we do

We design and deliver bespoke custom upholstery and cushions, made-to-measure blinds, shutters, and curtains as well as bespoke reupholstery, general repairs and alterations.